spring 3.9.14


[Spring][Error] log4j.dtd 에러 : Create the DTD file or configure an XML catalog for this DTD

[상황] 프로젝트 생성 후 log4j.xml 에서 에러가 줄줄이 발생 [참고 플랫폼] 더보기 1. eclipse 4.19 (2021-03) 버전 2. eclipse 플러그인 spring 3.9.14 RELEASE 3. spring Legacy Project [에러 내용] Cannot find DTD 'file:///C:/dev/eclipse/workspace/[해당 프로젝트]/src/main/resources/log4j.dtd'. Create the DTD file or configure an XML catalog for this DTD. Multiple annotations found at this line: - Cannot find DTD 'file:///C:/dev/eclipse/workspace/..

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